Positive Behavior at Wide Hollow

Feb 9, 2024

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports at Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary

Over the past seven years, the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program has become a key ingredient for a positive learning environment at Wide Hollow STEAM Elementary. Like all other schools in West Valley, Wide Hollow STEAM has a PBIS Leadership team that drives the PBIS program to improve each year.

A key component of the school’s PBIS program is the positive reinforcement of desired behaviors by giving Cub Cash. We like to say, “Cash is only good if it is in circulation.” Students have lots of opportunities to earn and spend their Cub Cash at Wide Hollow. Classroom teachers offer items for sale daily and weekly, which include items like renting the teacher’s chair for the day, lunch with a friend, feeding the classroom pet, and much more. Our most popular Cub Cash items are our Cub Cash Cart and the Cub Cash Experiences.

Cub Cart
Cub Cart at Wide Hollow STEAM
Cub Cart
Students use their Cub Cash at the Wide Hollow Cub Cart

Students love to have the Cub Cash Cart come to their classroom and deliver the fun and exciting items they have purchased. Our older students are responsible for the deliveries and do a great job drumming up excitement before purchasing. Our staff offers Cub Cash Experiences every four weeks ranging from Taylor Swift Dance Parties, art projects, building catapults, Monster Ball in the gym, bingo, marble maze construction, learning a popular dance, kickball, extra recess, card games, and much more. Our cart items and experience are all funded by our amazing Wide Hollow Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).

Cub Cash
Wide Hollow students use Cub Cash for fun experiences.
Cub Cash
Wide Hollow students choose their reward experiences.
Cub Cash
Positive Behaviors are reinforced at Wide Hollow STEAM.
Cub Cash
Wide Hollow students choose from a wide variety of experiences.

Another key ingredient to the PBIS program is our monthly PAWS Awards Assemblies. For all grade levels, we award certificates to students who have shown a Positive attitude, Accepted responsibility, Worked hard, or Shown respect (PAWS) during the past month.

PAWS Awards
PAWS = Positive attitude, Accept responsibility, Work hard, Show respect
Students at all grade levels are recognized each month for positive behavior at Wide Hollow STEAM.

In addition to the monthly PAWS Awards, we award the Golden Vacuum to the cleanest classroom, the Unsung Champion belt for someone who has gone above and beyond, and the new and exciting “Best Seat in the House.” The “Best Seat” is a raffle drawing from all students who have received a blue ticket during the month for demonstrating our character word of the month. These winners get to sit on a couch at the front of the assembly!

PBIS is strong at Wide Hollow STEAM and our staff, students, and families have been key in making this program a success.